Our first post about changes in EvolutivoFW. The license change, upgrade to PHP 8.2, new workflow UI, Workflow ModTracker support, Colorizer, export now supports related fields, ... already worth moving to EvolutivoFW.

Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements

  • Electronic invoice integration for Spain keeps getting new commits
  • Wizard, MasterGrid, and MasterDetail keep getting new enhancements
  • backward compatible export system supports exporting fields from related modules, a classical long-standing issue!!
  • Filter Sort Field Enhancement: we can now select the fields to sort filters by
  • Business Map cache map processing on save: MasterDetail supported. This permits us to save a processed version of the XML map so we can load it faster next time
  • Colorizer is now an official part of the application. We clean it up and eliminate a lot of the overlapping functionality. We add new functionality to color a record based on if it has been viewed or not by a user.
    • enhance Tracker: UserHasVisitedRecord, we now track if a user has visited a certain record
  • Emails can now be sent using the Credentials settings. This permits us to send emails through the application using different outgoing email accounts on a per-email basis. We use this to enhance the workflow email task
    • send Email workflow task permits to select a Credentials record and will send the emails using those settings. This permits us to send transactional and marketing emails separately with ease.
  • permission button in filter to take you to filters permission record
  • support inline download through inline parameter
  • add help information to import

Import Help

  • Mail Manager: sort folders alphabetically with top folder global variable MailManager_Top_Folders
  • OpenStreetMap Widget to show a map with the address extracted from the fields of a module and permit to update those fields by dragging and dropping the pin in the map
  • sort picklist alphabetically: helper button to quickly sort the picklist values alphabetically
  • Related List toggle on click of header
  • Workflow: ModTracker support > we now know the changes that occur in a workflow
  • TiddlyWiki drag and drop support. As we saw in the presentation we can now drag records from EvolutivoFW to Tiddlywiki and back and also directly from EvolutivoFW to EvolutivoFW. Amazing functionality with a lot of potential.

EvolutivoFW Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests

  • EvolutivoFW Standard Formatting
  • Documentation: code and wiki
  • LDS Styling
    • rearrange email task fields
  • Refactor and Optimize code
    • reduce log message and call function only once in Custom View
    • faster duplicate column elimination in DBUtils
    • ModTracker: move constants outside loop, eliminate unused variables and collapse IF statement
    • Workflow: eliminate database column check as we always have the column now
    • SendGrid: record data to JSON functionality
  • Security fixes and updates
  • PHP constant updates
  • Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions.

Global Variables

  • MailManager_Top_Folders: Number of rows to show per page in the wizard list view grid.
  • PBX_Call_Context: Use scoped (by default) or default tabs.
  • Debug_Workflow_Execution: If 1, workflow execution logs will be generated. The default is 0


  • Business Map
    • set data as array in Condition Expression stub environment
    • support maps with spaces in name
    • update cache on detail view edit
  • Update DetailView in cbCalendar to new block structure
  • ClickHouse: delete check that only makes sense in Actor meta
  • Custom View
    • permission for listview
    • update createRecord with two new sort fields
    • use advanced search in permission button
    • create record when creating filter through vtlib
  • mkCountWithFullQuery using PHPSQLParser to skip duplicated columns
  • DetailView validation message with LDS modal
  • Documents: denormalization FQN in query and eliminate whitespace
  • temporarily deactivate global Drag&Drop functionality: future feature
  • GenDoc
    • format date fields correctly
    • support denormalized company table
  • keywords with dashes don't work in Global Search
  • Translation Editor: we fix and update the application language editor
  • Install: force utf8 and set new license file
  • List View:
    • check for active modules in related listview columns
    • decode html entities in url
  • Mail Manager: show and relate with TO in Sent folder
  • Web Service Client added doRevise function
  • Web Service GetViewsByModule skip not found views optimization
  • Workflow
    • avoid repeating module ID if we already have a web service ID
    • change cancel click function to avoid repeated function
    • correctly support add and subtract date operations
    • delete obolete vaadin code
    • do not reset field value if fldrelname is set
    • eliminate code with empty variables
    • get question IDs from answer
    • permit access to non-admin user
    • php dynamic properties
    • send LDS library for icons
    • Sign PDF decode file name
    • Update task: better detection of field mapping and validate related fields correctly (conflict between current module fields)
  • Translations

April Insights

Thanks for reading.

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