Embracing another month of maintenance, our focus remains on bug fixes and the streamlining of ongoing projects. Noteworthy additions include an exciting OpenOffice integration within the DMS project, a validation method, and a user-friendly enhancement for advanced search. The project continues to progress...

Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements

  • Document Management System keeps going
    • OnlyOffice integration!! Blog post coming.
    • support ODT in preview
  • Master Grid work continues
    • add tooltip functionality
    • allow the implementor to change input props/UI customization
    • retrieve all data for each row
    • show the loader in the table while retrieving the data
    • get the correct dependency for fields
    • improve uitype 10 readability
  • Import enhancements
    • add import send mail variables
    • mail results of import after execution in CLI
    • add missing ID for failed records
    • check if the update rule is set
    • do not send mail from UI
    • do not show buttons on mail
    • load validateMandatoryFields variable on popup
    • show CLI results
    • show the correct response for each type of import
    • use the same logic for both import emails
    • do not overwrite the import table thread
  • Advanced Filter "fill in" support advanced filter fill in
  • Menu Management
    • asking the user before deleting a menu
    • change menu name if a menu with the same name exists
    • prevent the user from deleting the main_menu
  • defining entity name and limiting it to one
  • permission table utility: adding the Primary Key column AND setting idColumn to the first field name if no condition is met
  • valueExistsInList workflow expression and validation function

EvolutivoFW Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests

  • EvolutivoFW Standard Formatting
  • Documentation: code and wiki.
    • wiki documentation keeps going
  • LDS Styling.
  • Refactor and Optimize code
    • sonarqube recommendations
    • Home: change conditional
    • better cleanup procedure for SMS destination numbers
    • optimizing Menu SQL query
    • using casting instead of an is_numeric condition
    • adding overflow and min-width for inputs
    • permission table utility using getColumnNames function to get columns of a table
  • PHP constant updates. PHP 8.3 support changes
  • Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions.

Global Variables

  • OnlyOfficeDocumentServer_URL: Set the OnlyOffice Document Server URL for the DMS integration
  • GenDoc_Template_Order A list of template CRMIDs in the order we want them. If the variable exists we sort the output by the order of the IDs in the global variable, if it doesn`t exist we sort alphabetically as we do by default.
  • Import_SendMail_AfterImport Enable/Disable the email for import results. Default is 0
  • Import_SendMail_List Comma-separated list of emails to send the results of import.


  • incorrect variable name and strip HTTPS from site URL in Backup
  • set entity data information for workflow expression evaluation in business maps
  • Emails
    • getting the first value of a string if it contains a comma
    • send email business action not working
  • Field Dependency
    • do not modify the record element value directly
    • GetRule convert to async function, support multiple mapping, use cbDebounce, and set entity data for expression evaluation
    • pass mastergrid to setFieldValue method
    • add missing checks for mastergrid and ogfields
  • wrong Filter viewid for related modules
  • custom language not loaded nor saved correctly in Language Editor
  • layout Editor
    • up and down buttons not working properly
    • fix the order of the sequence and eliminate gaps on page load
  • MasterGrid
    • add recursive mode on dependency to call every dependency after field updates
    • get correct values for field dependency
    • send default data to field dependency structure
    • unrelate records instead of delete
  • load Application_Display_MicroTasks for specific modules in MicroTask
  • module builder language file creation error
  • PHPVersion error with less infrastructure so we show the message correctly for the install process
  • Portal fields are ambiguous when Contacts is denormalized
  • quick create popup not visible overlap
  • the number of columns in Settings is now based on a variable, still hardcoded but better
  • Tasks: make expandfields optional, add statustype field, and rename the label to Done
  • Upgrade fixes
    • make changeset more robust for older install updates
    • AutoNumber: add workflow expression checkbox as soon as possible for migrations that have the module installed
    • Business Map: avoid SQL error if mapcached column is not present, this should only happen during upgrades
    • Filters: do not stop on insert or query errors. hopefully will only happen during the upgrade where we can recover with CustomViewSync
  • Workflow
    • expression functions adjustments
    • math expression functions unsupported operand types
    • has changed to condition fix
  • Translations


November Insights

November December
Sonarqube November Sonarqube December

Thanks for reading.

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