Welcome to another exciting edition of our monthly blog post, where we delve into the enchanting world of application development! This month, we have a continuous stream of magic, filled with not just the usual bug fixes and optimizations, but also an array of remarkable enhancements across the DMS, Maps, Web Service, and general functionality of the application. The winds of change are blowing strong in every corner of our application!
Features and Implementor/Developer enhancements
- Document Management System keeps advancing
- add copy and move from breadcrumb
- add show/hide all option
- support Map to show different columns
- support search for related records
- Popup Filter
- ability to write web service queries in Popup windows
- integrating ws_query feature in PopupFilter Map
- add support for SQL queries and Business Questions in the PopupFilter map
- popup filter search support
- Login
- support sending immediate login code based on 2FA
- use
message template if it exists to send the 2FA code via email
- use
message template to send a new user his welcome email
- add Business Actions Confirmation: ask for to user for action confirmation
- add download buttons on the Import Result window that permit you to obtain the records for different import statuses
- return Language list sorted by name and show that name
- convert Module Manager to TuiGrid
- add local cache to getFieldVisibilityPermission
- support inline edit on RelatedList
- support editing in Detail View Layout Mapping (everywhere)
- Add system health checks (see global variables)
- check if crons are being executed
- check the free space in the hard disk
- check if the application can send emails
- adjusted logic for base64 content variables in IOMap
- update the install database with the latest data
- Master Grid, keeps going
- support many to many relations
- support multiple select
- support Popup Filter
- add Select button for M:M relations
- redirect to list view
- save and retrieve records on Related Pane
- show master grid header on related pane
- show save button on Related Pane
- Wizard, keeps going
- add autocomplete form type on wizard form
- direct save if only one step active
- show better message
- EU VIES validation using company information. We could validate an organization VIES, if that company can be invoiced in the EU. Now we can check if a certain company can invoice that account. Normally, your company.
- show tooltips on Treeview child modules
- migrate Vtiger_Net_Client from HTTP_REQUEST2 to guzzle with support for file upload
- Web Services
- Setting related records for many to many relation task
- Idempotency
- The Idempotency feature works by sending in the ID using
in the call, so we enhance the EvolutivoFW web service libraries to support this property. We also add some missing Mass operation methods
- Workflow
- add After Delete trigger type
and translateDay
workflow expression functions
- add optional language parameter to the translate workflow expression function
- support expression and rawtext on the left-hand side of the workflow conditions. Keep debugging and validating.
- Convert Video adjustments. Add support for base64
EvolutivoFW Standard Code Formatting, Security, Optimizations, and Tests
- EvolutivoFW Standard Formatting
- PHPCS and javascript updates
- Documentation: code and wiki
- LDS Styling: Import step 4, aggregation widget
- Refactor and Optimize code
- Popup Filter
- Module Manager
- use direct values instead of variable
- pquery optimization
- Workflow:ManyToManyTask: convert list to array always
- Security fixes and updates
- sanitize variables in Popup Filter
- apply Sonarqube recommendations
- PHP constant updates
- deprecated passing null to strtotime
- Unit Tests: keeps getting more and more assertions. Updated them this month.
- Health_CheckEmailSending boolean variable to indicate if we want to check if emails can be sent or not
- Health_CheckEmail email that the test will be sent to, if not given admin user email will be used
- Health_CheckFreeSpace_Limit_Percentage percentage of free disk space to inform on
- Reports: Condition Clear Error fix when deleting the conditions
- Calendar: better error control message on activity reminder
- check for arrays before setting MySQL variable in business question
- Customer Portal settings UI to LDS
- eliminate duplicated HTML IF for filter columns
- add SQL condition in the right place if no
is found in database utils
- show zeros in DetailView
- filter session is reset to All when getting back from detailview
- do not return GlobalVariable validations unless asked for (regression)
- add global ADODB access for Inventory Details invoiced check
- add a constraint on null step case of ModuleBuilder
- setting parent_id correctly when getting extended field information
- Web Service
- correct fieldname in FAQ customer portal restriction
- upload document content from javascript readAsDataURL
- Translations

Thanks for reading.