Teleport - The Open Infrastructure Access Platform
What is Teleport?
Teleport is the easiest, most secure way to access all your infrastructure. Teleport is an identity-aware, multi-protocol access proxy which understands SSH, HTTPS, RDP, Kubernetes API, MySQL, MongoDB and PostgreSQL wire protocols, plus many others.
Teleport provides secure access to SSH or Windows servers, Windows desktops, Kubernetes clusters, databases, and web applications. Teleport is trivial to set up as a Linux daemon or in a Kubernetes pod. Teleport can integrate with Single Sign-On providers and enables you to apply access policies using infrastructure-as-code and GitOps tools.
This procedure shows you how to spin up a single-instance Teleport cluster on a Linux server using Teleport Community Edition. Once you deploy the cluster, you can configure Role-based access control(RBAC) and then register resources.
Teleport Architecture
The key concept of Teleport's architecture is the cluster.
A Teleport cluster consists of the Teleport Auth Service, Teleport Proxy Service, Teleport agents, and resources that you want to connect to such as Linux or Windows servers, databases, Kubernetes clusters, Windows desktops, and internal web apps.
To create a minimal Teleport cluster, you must launch three services:
Teleport SSH Service: An SSH server implementation that takes advantage of Teleport's short-lived certificates, sophisticated RBAC, session recording, and other features.
How a Teleport Cluster Works
The concept of a cluster is the foundation of the Teleport security model.
Users and servers must all join the same cluster before access can be granted.
To join a cluster, both users and servers must authenticate and receive certificates.
The Teleport Auth Service is the CA of the cluster, which issues certificates for both users and servers with all
supported protocols.
Teleport Installation: Prerequisites
You must also have one of the following: